Cor Uys

Keurspel 10: 1) Houtkruis 2) Hoe groot is U 3) Ek was eensaam en verlate 4) Koning van my hart 5) Môre sal die son weer skyn 6) Sweef soos 'n arend 7) Majesteit 8) Hy is Heer

Tempo112 BPM

Song Metrics

Keurspel 10: 1) Houtkruis 2) Hoe groot is U 3) Ek was eensaam en verlate 4) Koning van my hart 5) Môre sal die son weer skyn 6) Sweef soos 'n arend 7) Majesteit 8) Hy is Heer is a moody song by Cor Uys with a tempo of 112 BPM. It can also be used half-time at 56 BPM or double-time at 224 BPM.The track runs 6 minutes and 22 seconds long with a G key and a major mode. It has low energy and is somewhat danceable with a time signature of 3 beats per bar.
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